6 Weeks Pregnant – Natural Pregnancy Week-By-Week
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Links Mentioned 🌟
Natural Morning Sickness Remedy:
Heartburn During Pregnancy: 21 Natural Remedies That Work:
What Are the Best Prenatal Vitamins for You?:
Midwife Interview Questions: Find the Right Support for YOU:
Week 6 Post:
Mama Natural Affirmation Cards:
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Week 6 of Pregnancy 🤰 6 weeks pregnant, 6 week pregnancy, week 6 pregnancy, 6th week of pregnancy
So much happening this week! But what’s up with that… tail? Plus, are you taking the best prenatal for you?
Baby at 6 Weeks Pregnant 🚼 6 weeks baby in womb, baby at 6 weeks in womb, 6 weeks pregnant inside the womb, 6 weeks pregnant baby position, 6 weeks pregnant baby moving
Your lil’ bambino is about the size of a dried lentil (humble beginnings). And I hate to break it to you, but she’s got a tail! But don’t worry, she won’t come out looking like a kangaroo; the tail disappears around week 8.
Still, there’s a lot of action happening in that tiny little body of hers. Let’s start with her heart: It’s pumping away at over 100 bpm and organizing in a way that will soon resemble four heart chambers.
Speaking of chambers, her early brain sections have developed too! We’re talking about the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain—the very beginnings of your Baby Einstein.
And if that wasn’t enough, the cells of other vital organs like the liver and lungs are on board now, too.
You at 6 Weeks Pregnant 🚺
Physically, you probably haven’t noticed many changes yet unless you’ve been hit by morning sickness (or rather ALL DAY SICKNESS). Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with natural morning sickness remedies that may help.
Don’t be worried if you’ve dropped a few pounds due to food aversions or loss of appetite. Morning sickness usually passes by the second trimester, and you’ll be gaining lbs like it’s your full-time job around then. (Keep in mind that most OB-GYNs and midwives only recommend gaining 1–5 pounds in the first trimester anyway.)
The important thing is to listen to your body, get ample rest, take your prenatal, and do the best you can in eating nutritious meals (even if that just means consuming a natural morning sickness smoothie each day).
If heartburn is interfering with your ability to eat, try smaller meals throughout the day (but leaving at least 2 hours before bedtime without food). You can also try drinking a little raw apple cider vinegar diluted in water with your meals to boost digestion. Here are more natural remedies for pregnancy heartburn.
If you find yourself throwing up multiple times a day, be sure to check in with your healthcare provider to ensure you stay hydrated and healthy.
The Best Prenatal Vitamins for You 💡
Wondering what the best prenatal vitamins are for your growing baby? Find out in this post which ones are best for you based on your health and lifestyle.
One of the first proactive things you can do is get on a good food-based prenatal. If you are already, brownie points for you! 🙂 This will flood your body with easily absorbable nutrients that will support your baby and you throughout your pregnancy.
Since the earliest part of your baby’s neural tube is coming together right now, you want to be sure you’re on a folate-packed prenatal, which can protect against neurological defects.
But, which is the best one to take? There are a lot of prenatals out there, even food-based ones! So, it depends on which nutrients you are looking for and if you have any MTHFR mutations.
Pregnancy Week 6 To-Dos ✅
Start interviewing midwives (Linked above!)
Schedule your first midwife or doctor appointment
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Congratulations! you are 6 weeks pregnant! In this video, Charlotte talks you through what to expect from your body at 6 weeks and what stage your embryo is at. Other mums chat about their symptoms and show us their (very tiny!) bumps. Are you experiencing any symptoms yet? Let us know in the comments below.
Your Pregnancy Checklist: 6 Weeks Pregnant:
– If you haven’t yet, sign up to your free pregnancy week by week emails – https://www.channelmum.com/a/pregnancy-email-signup
– Think about any questions you want to ask at your booking appointment, and write them down.
– If you haven’t yet, try our due date calculator – https://www.channelmum.com/a/due-date-calculator
– Make a commitment to look after yourself. Fill in our interactive Wellbeing Planner – https://www.channelmum.com/a/my-wellbeing-planner
– Babyproof your relationship – https://www.channelmum.com/a/baby-proof-your-relationship
– Print out these gorgeous free pregnancy milestone cards – https://www.channelmum.com/a/printable-pregnancy-milestone-cards
– Continue taking your folic acid supplement.
– Start reading up on the things you can expect in your first trimester – https://www.channelmum.com/a/first-trimester-pregnancy-symptoms
Ready to watch your 7 weeks pregnant video? Click here https://youtu.be/F0A_G5qITGs
#6weekspregnant #pregnancy #weekbyweek
Taking part in this video is:
Sophie&Lily: https://www.youtube.com/user/sophclare30989
Emily Norris: https://www.channelmum.com/creators/emily-norris
Sarah from This mama life: https://www.channelmum.com/creators/sarah-this-mama-life
Charlotte Taylor: https://www.channelmum.com/creators/charlotte-louise-taylor
Leanne from Umbumgo: https://www.channelmum.com/creators/umbumgo
Jess Avey: https://www.channelmum.com/creators/jessica-avey
This video and all videos in this series have been viewed and approved by a qualified midwife in April 2017. Always consult your midwife or GP if you have any concerns.
Production music by www.epidemicsound.com
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*Disclaimer: The information in this video was correct at the time of publication. Always check with your health professional first. Channel Mum full terms and conditions apply: https://www.channelmum.com/p/terms-and-conditions
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