Archive for the tag: Hallberg

Dr. Sarah Hallberg: Can a ketogenic diet reverse diabetic chronic kidney disease?

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Dr. Sarah Hallberg is a physician, board-certified lipidologist, Medical Director at Virta Health, Medical Director at the Indiana University Health Medical Weight Loss Program, and Executive Director at The Nutrition Coalition. She is the primary investigator on a recent clinical trial examining a technology-supported and medically-supervised ketogenic intervention that reverses type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

Reversing Diabetes with a Plant-Based, Vegan Diet | Forks Over Knives

This new short film on reversing diabetes with a plant-based diet from the creators of Forks Over Knives ( captures how the charismatic Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams turns his health around after a devastating diabetes diagnosis. has over 400 healthy whole-food plant-based recipes, expert tips, and tools to help you transition to the life-saving, whole-foods, plant-based diet.
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Dr. Hallberg on Carbohydrate Intolerance, Insulin Resistance and Reversing Diabetes (Ch 2)

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In this video series, Dr Hallberg goes over the underlying causes of type 2 diabetes, how to reverse type 2 diabetes through nutritional ketosis, and most importantly, what the research says.

In this video, Dr. Hallberg explains the underlying causes of type 2 diabetes and chronically high blood sugar: carbohydrate intolerance driven by insulin resistance.

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Watch chapter 3 here:

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Read an evidence-based guide to reversing type 2 diabetes here:

Dr. Sarah Hallberg is a Medical Director at Virta Health, as well as the Medical Director of the Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program at Indiana University Health Arnett, a program that she created. She is board certified in Internal Medicine, Obesity Medicine, and Clinical Lipidology and also a Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist from the ACSM. She also developed the non-surgical weight loss rotation for Indiana University School of Medicine where she is an adjunct Clinical Professor of Medicine.
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Prediabetes can be reversed, and you don’t have to do it alone. A CDC-recognized lifestyle change program can significantly reduce the risk of ever developing type 2 diabetes.

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Dr. Sarah Hallberg – Type 2 Diabetes Reversal

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Filmed at the Emerging Science of Carbohydrate Restriction and Nutritional Ketosis, Scientific Sessions at The Ohio State University

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An impressive body of scientific evidence over the last 15 years documents long term benefits of carbohydrate-restricted, especially ketogenic, diets. We now understand molecular mechanisms and why they work. Popular books and articles now challenge the advice ‘carbohydrates are good and fats are bad.’ Circa mid-19th century urinary ketones were identified in diabetics sealing their toxic label for the next 150 years. Despite work four decades ago showing ketones were highly functional metabolites, they are still misidentified as toxic byproducts of fat metabolism. The vilification of fat by regulatory and popular dogma perpetuates this myth. But the nutrition-metabolic landscape is improving dramatically.

A growing number of researchers have contributed to what is now a critical mass of science that provides compelling clinical evidence that ketogenic diets uniquely benefit weight loss, pre-diabetes, and type-2 diabetes. In the last five years, basic scientists have discovered that b-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), the primary circulating ketone, is a potent signaling molecule that decreases inflammation and oxidative stress. BHB has been suggested to be a longevity metabolite, with strong support from recently published mouse studies showing decreased midlife mortality and extended longevity and healthspan. Although type-2 diabetes is often described as a chronic progressive disease, emerging evidence indicates that sustained nutritional ketosis can reverses the disease. There is growing interest in studying potential therapeutic effects of ketosis on cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. There are even reasons certain athletes may benefit from nutritional ketosis and ketone supplements ─ debunking the long-standing dogma that high carbohydrate intake is required to perform optimally.

With the support of the well-established Ohio State Food Innovation Center, this conference will bring together the top experts in these fields to share what has been achieved and what remains to be done to advance this exciting field of scientific discovery.
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Dr. Sarah Hallberg: Can a ketogenic diet reverse diabetes in thin people?

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Read more by Dr. Sarah Hallberg at:

Dr. Sarah Hallberg is a physician, board-certified lipidologist, Medical Director at Virta Health, Medical Director at the Indiana University Health Medical Weight Loss Program, and Executive Director at The Nutrition Coalition. She is the primary investigator on a recent clinical trial examining a technology-supported and medically-supervised ketogenic intervention that reverses type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

Dr. Hallberg on Ketogenic Interventions to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes (Ch 6)

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Dr. Hallberg on Ketogenic Interventions to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes (Ch 6)

In this video series, Dr Hallberg goes over the underlying causes of type 2 diabetes, how to reverse type 2 diabetes through nutritional ketosis, and most importantly, what the research says.

In this chapter, Dr. Sarah Hallberg goes over the research on nutritional ketosis as a treatment for type 2 diabetes and other conditions.

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Watch chapter 7 here:

Start the series from the beginning here:

Read an evidence-based guide to reversing type 2 diabetes here:

Dr. Sarah Hallberg is a Medical Director at Virta Health, as well as the Medical Director of the Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program at Indiana University Health Arnett, a program that she created. She is board certified in Internal Medicine, Obesity Medicine, and Clinical Lipidology and also a Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist from the ACSM. She also developed the non-surgical weight loss rotation for Indiana University School of Medicine where she is an adjunct Clinical Professor of Medicine.