Archive for the tag: Diabetes

The US Diabetes Epidemic

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The US Diabetes Epidemic

Understanding the 3 major types of diabetes, the impact of diabetes on the nation, and what can be done to prevent or control type 2 diabetes.

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Complications of type 2 diabetes

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Diabetes experts explain the microvascular (small) and macrovascular (large) vessel complications that can occur in type 2 diabetes.

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Diabetes is diagnosed through laboratory blood tests: the fasting blood glucose test, hemoglobin A1c test, and the oral glucose tolerance test. Serious complications arise with type 2 diabetes, if not diagnosed early, or if inadequately controlled. Regular check-ups and monitoring are stressed, as these can help delay or prevent many diabetes complications.
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Type 1 diabetes PERL clinical trial

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Type 1 diabetes PERL clinical trial

Nearly one-third of people with type 1 diabetes will develop kidney disease. If you are between the ages of 18-65 and have type 1 diabetes you can help slow the progression of kidney disease or even stop it. To learn more about Preventing Early Renal Loss, visit, or call the University of Michigan Comprehensive Diabetes Center at (734) 936-8656.

Diabetes Complications – Diabetes Talk

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Dr. Khalid J Farooqui talks about complications related to diabetes and their management.
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Diabetic Foot Pain Relief. Foot and Ankle Exercises for people with Diabetes

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Do you struggle with diabetic foot pain? Get relief with these foot and ankle exercises.

Diabetes is one of the most common reasons people seek relief for painful feet. Thats because when you have diabetes, you are constantly living with high blood sugar levels. The problem is that over the long term, these elevated levels can deteriorate and damage nerves. Specifically, the nerves that are most susceptible are in the hands and feet. Once these nerves break down, it causes the pain you may be feeling. Diabetic foot pain is commonly described by patients as tingling, burning, sharp, shooting, and lightning-like. Other unpleasant symptoms include numbness, feelings of feet and legs being “asleep,” or prickling or crawling sensations.

What can be done for diabetic foot pain relief?

Although there is currently no cure for this complication of diabetes, optimal glucose control helps to prevent diabetic foot pain. That means managing your glucose levels through living a healthy lifestyle, eating well, and exercising are powerful in providing long term relief with positive side effects.

Foot exercises, massage, and using foot rolling devices are excellent ways to help keep those muscles and joints from becoming stiff. Exercises focused on the foot and ankle can bring great benefits. Improving range of motion can positively affect gait, pressure distribution, and risk of foot ulceration. Here are some great foot and leg exercises for anyone managing the condition of diabetic foot pain neuropathy.

These exercises can be done from a chair or the floor. Before starting, take a moment to get the body into good postural alignment with the shoulders back and down and spine lengthened.

This free routine offers you a program to follow to help diabetic foot pain go away. As always, please check with your doctor before starting this or any exercise routine. If you struggle with diabetic foot pain, you should have your feet visually and manually inspected every day. Be prudent, be cautious and follow the rules of good health!

Diabetic Foot Pain Relief. Foot and Ankle Exercises For People With Diabetes

Diabetic foot pain relief exercises

Flex and point the toes
Ankle circles
“Piano toes”
Leg Raises
Calf stretch
Single leg balance

Exercise is an important way to prevent and treat diabetic foot pain. You want to keep the muscles working and the joints moving! Make sure to move your body most days of the week. Id recumbent at least 30 minutes of exercise daily (walking, biking, strength training, group fitness classes), anything to get your heart pumping and blood flowing! If your diabetic foot pain prevents you from following a traditional exercise program, check out my Hurt Foot Fitness plan online This coached program offers you a structured strength, cardio, and flexibility daily routine that is safe to do with diabetic foot pain. You’ll get low impact workouts, chair cardio, foot exercises, and MORE. Following this program will help you manage the symptoms of diabetes and get relief from your diabetic foot pain. Enroll in the program here and lets get MOVING:

Do you have diabetic foot pain? Do the foot and ankle exercise video above help you with your symptoms? Let me know in the comments below.

And please make sure to SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel and hit the notification bell so you’ll know when I add new videos for you! Your support helps fuel the Youtube channel and keep it going!

Heres to happy feet, a healthy body, and a thriving life,

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This video explains current treatment options for diabetic neuropathy. If you found this useful, please support this channel by clicking Subscribe and giving me a thumbs up!

Dr Sebi Reveals What To Eat To Cure Diabetes

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Organic Quinoa:
► (Amazon US)
► (Amazon UK)

Dr Sebi talks natural remedy for healing Diabetes with foods such as quinoa, also talks what not to eat.
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How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally

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Diabetes is a curable disease. As a dietary disease, it demands a dietary treatment. The principles are outlined here.
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Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Naturally: 3 Inexpensive Foods You Should Know About

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Discover 3 foods that can help you reverse type 2 diabetes naturally. Click on the link below for a FREE report and discover the shocking secrets about type 2 diabetes that doctors won’t tell you.

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Watch►Only one drink to cure diabetes forever | Easy ways to lower blood sugar levels naturally

Hello Viewers, Today I Am Going to Share With You, Only one drink to #curediabetes forever | Easy ways to lower #bloodsugarlevels naturally

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Doctors Are Shocked: Drink Daily Cure Diabetes In Just 3 Weeks Only,Cure Diabetes In Just 3 Weeks Only,This Simple Drink Can Cure Diabetes in just 3 weeks,Drink Daily Cure Diabetes In Just 3 Weeks Only,This Simple Drink Can Cure Diabetes,type 2 diabetes,diabetes cure,blood sugar,cure diabetes,high blood sugar,diabetes mellitus,blood sugar levels,diabetic diet,diabetes treatment,Only one drink to cure diabetes forever,how to control diabetes,free diabetes

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I Cured My Type 2 Diabetes | This Morning

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GP Dr Michael Mosley was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes four years ago and rather than start on medication – he invented the 5:2 diet – resulting in him losing weight and reversing his diabetes diagnosis. Dr Mosley will be telling us how you can do the same on a similar diet.
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Full video and many more with Dr. Fung:

What is the perfect treatment that can cure type 2 diabetes (!) and lead to effortless weight loss? Listen to the eloquent Dr. Jason Fung describe it in this 12-minute part of a longer interview.

*** Observe: This treatment is extremely effective. If you have diabetes and take blood sugar lowering medication (especially insulin injections) you may need to reduce the doses a lot to avoid potentially dangerous hypoglycemia. You may instantly become too healthy for your medication. ***

In the full 45 minute interview Dr. Fung goes into more detail about exactly how to add fasting to your low-carb diet, important things to consider and how to avoid potential problems.

Watch the full interview and many more similar videos:

Natural Treatments for Diabetes

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Natural Treatments for Diabetes

For more info:

Today I’m going to share my top tips for reversing diabetes (for Type 2) and natural treatments for diabetes. If you follow this specific diet, supplementation, essential oil regimen, and lifestyle tips, you will see results fast.

Diet: (for Type 2)

1. Protein-rich foods
2. Fiber-rich foods
3. Healthy fat-rich foods
4. Foods high in chromium
5. Foods rich in Magnesium
6. Coconut oil


1. Sugar
2. Carbohydrates/grains
3. Conventional dairy


1. Chromium Picolinate
2. Cinnamon
3. Fish Oil
4. ALA
5. Magnesium

Essential Oils:

1. Cinnamon Essential Oil
2. Corriandor Essential Oil


1. Keep stress levels low
2. Detox bath
3. Take deep breaths
4. Burst Training Exercise

For more on how to reverse diabetes in 30 days or less, check out this helpful article:

*This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Josh Axe, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Axe nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.