Archive for the tag: Blood

What causes diabetes, high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes

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In this video, we explain what causes diabetes (type 2 diabetes) and what causes high blood sugar. We review how does diabetes start and what is the role of insulin in diabetes. We review the role of the pancreas in diabetes and how does food and weight gain can lead to diabetes. We use the analogy of a steam engine to explain a complex medical topic in a way anybody can understand. Written by Dr. Christopher Palmeiro DO Msc, endocrinology and diabetes specialist, and produced by Doctablet®.
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This animation describes insulin resistance, an underlying cause of type 2 diabetes. It explains the roles of glucose and the hormone insulin in our body. Symptoms of diabetes are reviewed and various health complications that type 2 diabetes can lead to if left untreated.


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Get Active, Lose Weight, and Control Blood Sugar with GlucoseZone

GlucoseZone™ – Online workouts for getting active, losing weight, and controlling your diabetes

GlucoseZone empowers people living with diabetes through Fitness by providing coaching, exercise, food, products and content based on the individual’s real time blood sugar levels, medication requirements and diabetes and fitness goals.

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Blood Sugar Levels Chart | Includes fasting and after eating

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Blood sugar levels chart for normal, prediabetic and type 2 diabetic. It includes fasting and after eating. A1C levels are also included in the chart. Normal adult blood sugar levels are discussed.
Understand the numbers when testing your blood sugar.
Using a blood glucose meter can help manage your diabetes or prediabetes if you understand the numbers.
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Always speak with your healthcare provider with any concerns about your blood sugar.
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All information in this video is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.
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Diabetes is diagnosed with a finger prick glucose test of over 11mmol/L (198dl/mg) or a HbA1c of over 48mmol/mol.

This is regardless of the type of diabetes and therefore diagnosis replies upon the symptom history and further blood tests.

One question many patients have is what is a normal blood sugar level and what should they be aiming for.

In this video we explain what blood sugar level you should be aiming for in the context of different forms of diabetes.

iGlucose Patient Video – Checking Your Blood Glucose

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The iGlucose cellular connected blood glucose meter by Smart Meter enables the proactive management of diabetes through a robust portfolio of data, technology, and solutions. Smart Meter provides an easy way to access to real-time and reliable blood glucose data, enabling healthcare professionals to make better clinical decisions, between visits. Remote patient monitoring (RPM) has been shown to improve patient outcomes and increase revenue due to RPM reimbursement codes.

iGlucose® simplifies diabetes management. The immediate cellular transmission of Blood Glucose (BG) readings eliminates the need for pairing, creating manual logbooks or downloading BG results. The ease of sharing real-time data keeps those with diabetes and their Circle of Care informed, empowered and engaged.
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Blood Glucose Device Tutorial iGlucose

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Learn how to use your myRemoteCheckup “iGlucose” Blood Glucose Device in this video. The API iGlucose Device connects via cellular network and works with just one touch of a button.

Need additional support? Visit or consult your device manual that you received along with your device.

If you’re interested in your doctor monitoring your health in between visits to keep you out of the hospital, then sign up at

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How to test your blood glucose (sugar) levels

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Watch a step by step guide on how to test your blood glucose levels. In order to perform a blood glucose test you will require your blood glucose meter, a test strip to hand, a lancing device and a monitoring diary to record the results of your blood glucose test.’s Benedict Jephcote runs through how to test your blood sugar. In this video, Benedict is using a OneTouch meter and test strips.

How to test blood glucose:

How to inject insulin:

Ben’s blood glucose was 3.6 mmol/L (or 65 mg/dL) in this video. Learn about hypos (low blood glucose) at

For those not in the UK, mmol/L is the UK standard unit. mg/dL is the American unit. You can convert between the two here:
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The iGlucose Blood Glucose Meter Demonstration

Simple. Convenient. Affordable.
iGlucose® is designed to be simple and fit conveniently into a person’s life without additional costs. Its cell-enabled technology eliminates the need for creating manual logbooks or downloading bG results. The ease of sharing real-time data keeps those with diabetes and their Circle of Care informed and engaged.

The iGlucose Blood Glucose Meter
– Cell-enabled, real-time bG results
– Out-of-the-box ready
– Industry standard features
– Test strips available at co-pay pricing

Learn more at
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HOW TO CONTROL DIABETES(blood sugar levels)? TRY these home remedies to cure diabetes naturally.

Diabetes is a life time disease that requires dieting, exercises and medication. While there is no cure for diabetes(high blood sugar), you can control the sugar levels naturally. This video will educate you about home remedies for diabetes. Try these remedies and èffectively control your blood sugar levels. Make sure you are trying home remedies in addition to your regular diabetes treatment.

how to control diabetes with natural home remedies: Home remedies like Okra water, apple cider vinegar, cranberry and cinnamon are very effective in naturally controlling your blood sugar levels. For more information on how to use do watch this video.

Diabetes(high blood sugar) causes, types & symptoms: Are you a diabetic? If you are there is nothing to worry too much about. There are many ways to control diabetes naturally. Diabetes as people say there is no cure for diabetes, do not fret because there are some fabulous home remedies that would make a great difference in your To a great extent you can manage this disease by adopting a healthy lifestyle, medication and home remedies for diabetes & control your blood sugar levels to normal.
Type1 and Type 2 Diabetes – The Difference: Diabetes is of 2 kinds- Type 1 and type 2. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. On the other hand in type 2 diabetes, the body does produces less amount of insulin. The heavy work load that people face nowadays is a major cause of diabetes. Stress levels are on the rise, unhealthy lifestyles or eating at wrong hours, all of these can increase your blood sugar levels, causing diabetes.

Common Symptoms Of Diabetes & Increase in blood sugar levels:

1. Fatigue: A dull feeling in the head is a common symptom. A person who is suffering from diabetes or high blood sugar experiences fatigue. He or she would get tired very soon when compared to the others.

2. Weight Loss: People with diabetes often see rapid weight loss. This one of the common symptom associated with diabetes.

3. Frequent urination: People who suffer from high blood sugar levels use the toilet more often. The urge for urination is felt.

4. Slow healing: If a person gets cut due to any reason, he or she has to be careful. These cuts or bruises take a long time to heal when your blood sugar levels are high.

5. Vision problems: Diabetes causes a blurred vision in one or both the eyes. This can be a cause of concern for many. Therefore it is necessary to keep a check on your sugar levels so that they are under control.

Okra water for diabetes: What is okra water? It belongs to the hibiscus family and the word ‘OKRA’ refers to the edible seedpods of a plant. It has many medicinal values and come in a water form, powdered form or even as okra peels. Okra is filled with potassium, calcium, Vitamin B and C and is low in fiber content.

Okra is known to successfully treat diabetes by the centers for disease control. Okra water improves and balances out the blood sugar levels. In Turkey people suffering from diabetes to sue the seeds of Okra to treat this disease called diabetes.
How to control blood sugar levels?
While taking medication is necessary, you can use home remedies for diabetes which helps in controlling blood sugar levels. Here are list of natural remedies:

Apple cider vinegar & cranberry to control diabetes & blood sugar levels:
Mix water and cranberry juice with apple cider vinegar. Pour few drops of lime juice to spruce up its taste and take it daily. Learn benefits for apple cider vinegar for diabetes & blood sugar levels –

Okra water remedy to control diabetes & blood sugar:
Take two okra pods and cut off their ends. Sticky liquid will ooze out once you slit the pod. Do not wash it. Take a glass full of water and drop these pods into it at night and cover with a dish. In the morning, take out the pods and drink the water in the glass.

Cinnamon water to control diabetes & blood sugar:
Drink a cup of water mixed with 1 tsp cinnamon powder daily. You can also add cinnamon powder to beverages, smoothies & baked goods.

Still wondering how to control diabetes? Try home remedies for diabetes today.

For more videos on Natural Home Remedies, subscribe to

Check out more Home Remedies:-

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16 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is High & 8 Diabetes Symptoms

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16 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is High & 8 Diabetes Symptoms

16 signs your blood sugar is high & 8 diabetes symptoms. The first thing that comes to mind for most people when the discussion of health and high blood sugar is brought up is diabetes. It’s an extremely dangerous and deadly condition, but long before the individual is diagnosed with it, the body gives away signs that their blood sugar level is very high. This will help us stay as healthy as possible.

#DiabetesSymptoms #HighBloodSugar #Diabetic


16. Excessive Urination/Urinating During the Night: Granted if you drink high amounts of water before you go to bed, there is a good chance you’re waking up in the middle of the night to urinate. But if you’re blood sugar level is too high, you could pick up a urinary tract infection which can result in excessive urinating.

15. Blurred Vision: Don’t overreact and go buy a pair of glasses if you begin to have temporary blurred vision. In most cases it’s high blood sugar, which causes the lens in the eyes to swell up.

14. Difficulty Concentrating: When the body is lacking insulin, it’s unable to remove glucose from the bloodstream into the cells. This doesn’t allow the body to properly function. This is why you feel tired and can’t concentrate properly. High blood sugar levels can dehydrate you because the body is trying to remove excess glucose through urination.

13. Dry Mouth: Because of the high glucose levels in your blood and saliva, which are caused by high blood sugar levels, your mouth becomes dry.

12. Impotence: This issue which only refers to men, stems from problems that are caused by poor long-term blood sugar control. This damages the nerves and the blood vessels.

11. Recurrent Infections: There are several recurring infections that need to be monitored. Dysfunction of the thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands. Also watch out for numerous diseases in the pancreas and severe increase in blood glucose.

10. Slow Healing Wounds: If you find that the smallest cuts and bruises are taking longer than usual to heal, high blood sugar levels could be the cause. It affects the nerves and can lead to poor blood circulation, making it tough for blood – need for skin repair – to reach the wounded area.

9. Stomach Problems: When you have high blood sugar levels, emptying the food from your stomach could be delayed. This can lead to bloating, distention, abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.

8. Constant Fatigue or Extreme Tiredness: If your thyroid level is low, there is a good chance you are going to feel tired, sleepy or depressed. In order to fight infections, it takes energy, which can result in constant fatigue and high blood sugar levels.

7. Thirst: When you have high blood sugar levels, your kidneys are forced to work overtime to filter and absorb the excess sugar. In order to achieve that, liquids need to flow through the body in order to urinate the sugar.

6. Dry and Itchy Skin: When there is poor blood circulation flow through the body, it causes itchy skin. The most common areas of the body that become itchiest are the lower parts of your legs.

5. Always Hungry: You may be one of those people that have a big appetite, and that’s fine. However, for people who normally do not have a large appetite, this could be because you’re lacking a hormone called incretin. Incretin reduces the flow of sugar from the liver after consuming a meal. If you lack this hormone, food empties quicker and you’ll be hungry again shortly after dinner, which increases your blood sugar level.

4. Excess Abdominal Weight/Fat: This is one of the most common signs that you have high blood sugar levels. The food that you have consumed was not all able to get into the cells as energy which would nourish the cells, so in turn, you feel hungry again.

3. Nerve Problems: Simply put, if your blood sugar levels are high, it can damage the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the nerves, which can lead to nerve problems.

2. Skin Changes: If you begin to experience discoloration and certain growths on your skin, your blood sugar level may be high. Also, you may notice dark, thick areas of skin may begin to form on the back of your neck and your hands as well.

1. Tingling and Numbness: This goes hand-in-hand with nerve damage. If you experience tingling and numbness in certain areas of your body, your blood sugar level may be high. This type of nerve damage is called neuropathy.

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