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Top 10 Snacks for Diabetes

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Let’s face it. One of the main problems those of us with diabetes have is our hunger and trying to find those in between meal snacks that are satisfying and taste good while also helping us maintain our blood sugar.

When it comes to snacks, or any food for that matter, I always look at the Glycemic Load. There are those who will tell you that the Glycemic Index is what matters, but the glycemic index doesn’t really give you a complete understanding of what a particular food will do to your blood sugar. It simply gives you a number based on 50 carbs of a specific food. The glycemic load takes into account what type of carb we are dealing with and how it truly affects your blood sugar postprandial.

I say this so that if you see a food on my list of best snacks and on another “experts” list it is on a list of worst snacks, you will know why. I will give you both the GI and GL of each food on this list. I also do not put my lists in any type of order. So here we go:

1. Popcorn. This is a food you will probably see on some worst snacks list because the GI is a medium 55. But the glycemic load of popcorn is a very low 2.8. In its unprocessed form, popcorn is considered a significant source of whole-grain fiber. I love popcorn for……..breakfast! Yes, popcorn with a little sucrose and 2% milk is a wonderful cereal. You may think I am crazy, fair enough, but try it. It truly is a great snack for anytime. Not just when watching a movie. A small microwave bag is the perfect size for a good snack.

2. Greek Yogurt. Greek Yogurt is rich in calcium, high in protein and probiotics. There are few foods healthier than Greek yogurt. They do have some carbs, but they aren’t significant. Greek only has about 4 grams of sugar per 6 ounce serving. Greek yogurt contains significant amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium, which is shown to improve blood pressure. Calcium, phosphorous and magnesium are important in bone health also. The GI of Greek yogurt is 11, the GL is zero. Put some strawberries and walnuts in a cup of Greek yogurt and you are going to thank me later!

3. Walnuts. Speaking of walnuts. I am convinced walnuts are the overall best food for you. I know they are expensive, that’s why when I can find them on sale or buy them in bulk, I will jump at the chance. Stored properly they can last a while. Walnuts have a GI and GL of zero meaning that they have no significant effect on raising blood sugar, they are extremely heart healthy and they also contain copper, manganese, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6. Plus they are super rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

4. Strawberries/Blueberries. Strawberries –A great alternative to those with a sweet tooth is strawberries. They are sweet, low in calories and make a great snack. Several human studies have established that people who eat plenty of berries, such as strawberries and blueberries, have a lower risk of both diabetes, heart attacks and dementia. Studies have also linked the high vitamin C content of strawberries to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. One cup of fresh strawberries provides 160 percent of your daily need of vitamin C. Wanna really good snack? Blend fresh or frozen strawberries and/or blueberries into a smoothie. Both strawberries and blueberries have a low GI in the low 40’s as an average. They have an average GL of 4.

5. Peanut butter. Has anyone ever told you that someone with diabetes shouldn’t eat peanut butter? Tell them they are nuts. Peanut butter has a glycemic index of 14 and a glycemic load of 6. This low ranking means peanut butter helps stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels. Yes, they have a lot of calories and you will see several carbs on the label. But a tablespoon full of peanut butter is an amazing snack to fill you up. Peanut butter is is very low in Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Niacin and Manganese.

6. Apples. I know, another fruit, but a small apple (about the size of a tennis ball) delivers 77 calories, 21 grams of carbohydrate and 4 grams of fiber. It’s also a good source of vitamin C and has a smattering of other vitamins and minerals. The main benefit of an apple is the richness they possess in soluble fiber. This fiber keeps you full and slows down the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream helping regulate blood glucose levels. Apples have a GI of 39 and a GL of 4

7. A dark chocolate bar.

8. Boiled eggs.

9. Sting cheese.

10. I may get laughed off youtube for this one. But #10 is peanut M&Ms.
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If you have diabetes, it’s important to eat healthy.Include these 5 super healthy foods for beating diabetes into your meal plans.
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9 Foods Diabetics Should Never Eat

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Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can be debilitating diseases that negatively affect a person’s quality of life. Diabetes is caused by high blood sugar levels in the blood when the pancreas isn’t able to do its job properly or when certain cells don’t use the insulin that the pancreas supplies.

Today’s video will reveal 9 foods that people who suffer from diabetes should remove from their diets. With exercise and sensible food choices, a person who has been diagnosed with diabetes can normally keep their blood sugar levels at manageable levels.

Here are the foods we recommend diabetics avoid:

1. Fruit Juices
Store bought fruit juices are full of extra sugar that will cause glucose levels to spike. Drinking these kinds of juices on a regular basis has been proven to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Eating a piece of natural, whole fruit is a great alternative.

2. Sugary Carbonated Drinks
Soft drinks and energy drinks are terrible for our bodies. They contain an enormous amount of sugar and calories that are making people obese at an alarming rate. Those who already struggle with weight issues are more likely to run the risk of developing diabetes, if they continue to consume these drinks that are full of preservatives and additives. 3. White Bread
There’s an old adage that says, “The whiter the bread, the quicker you’re dead.” Although that may be alarming, for someone with diabetes, this kind of bread that contains bleached flours and refined starches doesn’t do much for us besides drive our blood sugar levels up. Refined carbohydrates are best to avoid. Instead, look for whole grains and oats that contain more fiber and don’t cause spikes in blood sugar levels.

4. White Rice
Here’s another refined product that diabetics should avoid. Studies have shown that if you eat white rice once a day, you’re 27% more likely to develop diabetes than if you were to eat whole grains on a daily basis. White rice is digested easily by our bodies and causes our glucose levels to rise quickly after eating it. Grains with a high fiber count are better for us than white rice.

5. Potatoes
Though they taste great and are filling, the starchy potato should be avoided by those who suffer from blood sugar problems. The starch in potatoes gets broken down too quickly by our bodies and is absorbed into the blood stream. When that happens, our blood sugar levels are going to rise quickly. This warning also includes French fries and potato chips. Not only are both made from potatoes, they’re also deep fried in hydrogenated oils that lead to an increase in cholesterol levels. So, eating French fries could lead to a greater risk of diabetes and heart disease.

6. Artificial Sweeteners
Slick marketing tactics have sold artificial sweeteners to diabetics as a healthy alternative to sugar. They’re not. These industrialized products hurt us more than help us by reducing insulin sensitivity. They also tend to slow down our metabolism and calorie burning ability. For someone with diabetes, it would be better to consume sugar in moderation than these chemically-ridden sweeteners. 7. Raisins
Raisins are a quick and tasty snack that’s rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. But they also cause spikes in blood sugar, and that’s why people with diabetes should try to avoid them.

8. Fat Cuts of Meat
Fatty cuts of pork or red meats like beef and lamb are harmful to those with blood sugar issues. They contain saturated fats and increase the risk of heart disease. They also increase inflammation in the body.

9. Whole Milk
Dairy products are also loaded with saturated fats—especially whole milk and anything that is labeled as a full-fat dairy product. These kinds of dairy products raise cholesterol levels—most notably the LDL or bad cholesterol. They also have a negative effect on our insulin resistance. Almond milk is a healthier alternative.

Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.
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Diet Linked To Heart Disease Stroke And Diabetes Death HD

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Kate Patton, R.D., comments on new research that shows almost half of deaths caused by heart disease, stroke and Type 2 diabetes are associated with a poor diet.

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Superfoods For Diabetics | Eat This Food Daily Cure Diabetes

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Watch►Diabetic Superfoods | Eat This Foods To cure #Diabetes in 2 Weeks

Hello Viewers, Today I Am Going to Share With You, Diabetic Superfoods | Eat This Foods To cure Diabetes in 2 Weeks

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6 Fruits For Diabetes – Best Foods For Diabetes

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6 Fruits For Diabetes - Best Foods For Diabetes

To learn more about the health benefits of food, visit:

Here are 6 fruits that have the potential to assist with diabetes.

DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes only. While we have tried to ensure that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information in this video should not be substituted for professional medical advice and opinions. If you are experiencing any ailments, serious or otherwise, always seek professional medical treatment and advice.
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Counting Carbohydrates Using a Food Label – Diabetes Center for Children at CHOP

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Reading food labels can be confusing. This video, from the experts at the Diabetes Center at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, helps those with type 1 diabetes understand how to read a food label by only looking at a few key points on the label when counting carbohydrates.
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Top 10 Worst Foods For Diabetes

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Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period.The most important factor that affects both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is diet, and a well-planned diet can work effectively in maintaining blood glucose at healthy levels. Here in this video we have listed top ten worst foods that every diabetics should avoid.

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Top 10 Fruits for Diabetes Patients

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This video is about top ten fruits that are safe to eat during diabetes as these fruits are low at glyemic index value and these fruits contain high amounts of fibre which helps the stomach to empty at a slower rate, which affects blood sugar levels and has a beneficial effect on insulin sensitivity.

These fruits also helps to convert starch into energy and keep your blood sugar levels in check. It can also cure the symptoms of diabetes including excess urination and thirst.

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Eating homemade meals may reduce risk of Type 2 diabetes

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Eating 11-14 homemade meals a week may reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes. It’s important to eat a healthy diet in order to be heart healthy.
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25 Most Dangerous Food for Diabetes (No.1 Scary).
► The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally:
► The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes:

There are so many dangerous foods for diabetics should avoid. For example candy and soda which are dangerous for diabetics. It is due to body can absorb the sugars on candy and soda directly. There will be so many food which must be avoided by diabetics such as:
Keep watch this video to learn more details.
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Publishing videos of Guidelines on Best Diabetes Tips, so here you will find Health tips about type 1 and type 2 Diabetes natural cure treatment, diabetes diet, healthy food, Amazing Benefits of Fruits & solutions For Diabetes, Best Health Tips For etc.

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Healthy Eating for a Diabetic

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Raising awareness about raising blood sugar. Diet concerns are one of the first topics a diabetes educator will address.

“Look at how many foods we have you know, look down the aisles at the grocery store. It’s overwhelming the number of food items,” says Sharon Tilbe, a certified diabetes coordinator with Lee Memorial Health System.

To help patients with diabetes make good choices, Lee Heal Solutions offers medical nutrition therapy. It consists of one-on-one time with a dietician.

“We teach a little bit of carbohydrate counting whether its real specific carbohydrate counting or generalities of carbohydrate counting. Making sure that people get adequate whole grains, adequate fruit and dairy in their diet, but not too much to raise their blood sugar,” says Sharon.

Common everyday foods, even ones we don’t suspect, can cause a jump in blood sugar.

“Fruit as an example, would be considered a carbohydrate or a high carbohydrate food in that it has a lot of natural sugar. Milk we don’t think of milk as being a sugar food but of course milk has lactose, which will of course turn into blood glucose. Grains, most people understand that if we eat too much pasta too much rice the blood sugar goes up,” says Sharon.

All things in moderation is a good rule of thumb, a controlling diet can make an absolute difference in managing diabetes.

“Just before you came I took my blood sugar and it was 92, so below 100 is average for regular people,” says George Pickel.

George worked with a diabetes educator to turn his diet around and with it the course of his disease.

“Most people, diets are started and when the goal is achieved people stop the diet. They better realize that eating is a lifelong process,” says George.

It’s a healthy perspective, looking at diabetes as a lifelong journey.

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Lee Memorial Health System in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of medical care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For nearly a century, we’ve been providing our community with everything from primary care treatment to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries.

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