Your baby is growing rapidly, with longer limbs and a bigger brain. Fingers, toes, and facial features are also forming.
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Get ready and get set for growing, ’cause that’s what your baby is doing ‘round the clock at a pretty spectacular rate during week 8. Measuring ½ to â…” of an inch long, roughly the size of a raspberry, much of your little one’s bulk is taken up by that big head, where tons of brain-building activity is going on. Nerve cells are multiplying and connecting with each other, the beginnings of a neural network that will later transmit messages from brain to body.
But it’s not just that baby brain that’s bulking up, growth spurts are happening all over your baby’s body. Limbs are getting stronger and longer thanks to newly developing cartilage and bones. Joint formation is also on the agenda this week, which means shoulders, elbows and knees are just around the bend. The beginnings of a neck and the upper lip are forming, and there’s a sweet suggestion of a button nose. Tiny eyelids cover tiny eyes, and fingers and toes are developing, though they’re still webbed.
Your baby’s umbilical cord is visible now and strangely enough, the intestines are developing inside of it. Don’t worry, those intestines will migrate into baby’s belly soon enough.
Even with all that growing going on inside of you, you probably won’t look all that different on the outside, except for those likely swelling breasts, which may already be working their way through the cup alphabet, and may be super tender to the touch. Just remember, every pregnant body grows differently, just like every baby. Video Rating: / 5
You still need to use contraception after your baby is born, unless you’re ready for another!
Learn more about getting pregnant after giving birth at
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Heidi Murkoff, creator of What to Expect, is here to guide you through every stage of your baby’s life. Watch all of our first year videos:
Pregnancy Q&A: Getting Pregnant After Giving Birth
Q: How soon can I get pregnant after giving birth?
A: It depends on…
1. How soon you start having sex
2. When your period returns
3. Whether you’re breastfeeding
4. Whether you’re using contraception
Q: How soon after giving birth can I start having sex again?
A: Your practitioner will probably give you the go-ahead about 6 weeks after delivery, for most women.
Q: When will I get my first postpartum period?
A: Anywhere from 4 to 24 weeks after baby arrives (or even later, if you’re exclusively breastfeeding).
Q: Does breastfeeding prevent pregnancy?
A: Not necessarily. Breastfeeding suppresses ovulation, but it’s not a reliable form of birth control.
Q: Do I still have to use contraception if I’m exclusively breastfeeding?
A: Yes – unless you’re ready to get pregnant again! Even if your period hasn’t come back, it’s still possible to conceive.
Q: How long should I wait to get pregnant again?
A: Talk to your doctor. Most recommend waiting 6 to 18 months. Less time between pregnancies may increase your risk for complications.
Think you’re ready to try again? Talk to your doctor or midwife about what’s best for you. Video Rating: / 5
Are you confused about how pregnancy after c-section works? Continue reading to know. Giving birth to a little bundle of joy is a beautiful experience. As much as a mother wants a natural delivery, the thought of the pain and other complications might drive her towards having a caesarean delivery instead. Apart from choice, certain complications also result in the doctor advising you to undergo a c-section.
C-section is a surgical procedure with its own risks and dangers, and you will need to consider these to conceive your next baby safely. This video on when to get pregnant after a c-section will help you understand it. The complications mentioned in the video might scare you, but you must be aware of them before getting pregnant after a c-section.
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Content used in this video is for informational purpose only and should not be considered as a substitute for advice from doctors or any health care professional. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before proceeding. The images shown in the video are illustration purpose only.
If you have any queries about pregnancy, parenting, child health and care, get answers from experts at FirstCry Parenting’s Q&A section. Visit Now-
During the 7 month of pregnancy, you enter the 28th week, which is the beginning of the third trimester of your pregnancy. This month, you and your baby are expected to experience significant changes. As a mother-to-be, you might experience more and more discomfort with each passing day; however, it will also be an exceptional feeling as you will be treated with great care by your near and dear ones. These 7 months pregnancy symptoms may seem different, but they should not be afraid of, rather handled calmly.
To help you make the most out of this phase of motherhood, we have put together a list of symptoms, precautions, and 7 months pregnancy belly care that you can refer to and be more prepared for this incredible journey.
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Content used in this video is for informational purpose only and should not be considered as a substitute for advice from doctors or any health care professional. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before proceeding.
The images shown in the video are illustration purpose only.
If you have any queries about pregnancy, parenting, child health and care, get answers from experts at FirstCry Parenting’s Q&A section. Visit Now-
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The period of 6 weeks is what we call as puerperium period and really will the uterus be fit enough to be fit enough to conceive within that short period. Also according to the social and people’s thinking, usually it is that particular period wherein there is also no sexual activity and society also has some strict rules and regulations which they follow and rarely we do see a lady getting pregnant within hat 6 weeks. But actually we have seen in in literature that there are a few people who have conceived within that period and it is a very rare phenomenon and it is happening in people where the male is bend upon having sexual activity in this particular period of time. Video Rating: / 5
9 Months In The Womb: A Remarkable Look At Fetal Development Through Ultrasound By PregnancyChat.Com – Get Pregnancy Updates Here:
From conception to birth, take a unique look at fetal transformation during nine months in the womb. Created by Ultrasound Dimensions and PregnancyChat.comÂ
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9 Months In The Womb Video Rating: / 5
In pregnancy, feeling 9 month pregnancy baby movement is a reassuring sign of their well-being. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of baby movement during this crucial phase. As you approach the final stretch of your pregnancy journey, your baby’s movement during 9 months of pregnancy becomes more pronounced. Learn what to expect and how to interpret these motions. We’ll explore common patterns, such as increased activity after meals, during exercise, and even in response to external stimuli.
Keeping track of fetal movement during 9 months of pregnancy in a journal can provide valuable insights into your baby’s unique activity patterns. We’ll guide you on how to do this effectively. However, if you notice any significant deviations from the usual movement patterns, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider promptly.
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Content used in this video is for informational purpose only and should not be considered as a substitute for advice from doctors or any health care professional. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before proceeding.
The images shown in the video are illustration purpose only.
If you have any queries about pregnancy, parenting, child health and care, get answers from experts at FirstCry Parenting’s Q&A section. Visit Now- Video Rating: / 5
Your pregnancy journey is just about to end. You are more than halfway through your pregnancy and will soon be holding your little one in your arms. Your second trimester is about to end, and you will soon enter your third and final trimester. There are a lot of things that happen when you are six months pregnant.
Your body changes to adapt to the growing baby inside and to provide nourishment to your baby. The body often compromises on its comfort to provide for the growing baby. You’ll feel your little one kicking and moving as well as responding to external stimuli. In this video, we will discuss some common pregnancy symptoms, your baby’s development, and some common concerns.
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Content used in this video is for informational purpose only and should not be considered as a substitute for advice from doctors or any health care professional. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before proceeding.
The images shown in the video are illustration purpose only.
If you have any queries about pregnancy, parenting, child health and care, get answers from experts at FirstCry Parenting’s Q&A section. Visit Now- Video Rating: / 5
A model of a 24 week old human foetus created for National Geographic Television in the US and Channel 4 Television in the UK. The programme was produced by Pioneer Productions. The film shows the development of the human embryo and foetus in the womb. This is a motion control shot showing the sleeping foetus in a womb set that has been backlit as though light were coming through the mother’s body.
Similar video clips can found in the David Barlow Film Archive at: Video Rating: / 5
Answering a question from a viewer asking if it’s too soon to get pregnant right after having a baby. Watch for my advice!
Gotta love this name, guys. Pure Joy & Laughter from YouTube wrote in to ask about the timing of her second pregnancy. Mom of a 6 month old baby, she’s already interested in having another baby, but feels that she hasn’t healed enough. She asks: “has it been long enough to be OK?” Well, Pure Joy (can I give you that nickname?), your name was so compelling that I just had to answer right away and plus, I love this issue because I have been there, sister. My first two babies were 13 months apart, my second two 19 months apart, and #3 and #4 were 21 months apart. I never did the “spacing ’em out” thing — rather I did the “sandwich ’em” thing so I have a lot to say on this!
First thing that comes to mind: having babies close in age is not easy. It has it’s advantages, including coordinating naps, but having two in diapers can been tough. There’s literally no break, no reprieve other than the afternoon nap and you have two little ones to transport (by age 3 many can walk on their own, at least for short stints). When kids get older, they can be some sibling rivalry issues too. I’ve been there. I live with this everyday. My kids are extremely close, but because they are doing so much together, sometimes they crave space.
How far apart are your children? Did you plan to space them out?
Meanwhile, planning to have a baby when you already have a baby is easier mentally because you know what you’re looking at. When you walk into the good old baby megaspore, your knees don’t quiver.
In today’s blog, I talk about my own experiences with having babies in a row, getting pregnant while breastfeeding, and give some advice for moms who have young babies, but are already thinking about having a baby again.
Hope you like the video and thanks for watching!
xo Melissa
WATCH My Advice for Pregnant Pop Star Lily Allen (having two babies close in age)
WATCH Preparing Children For New Baby
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My name is Grace, welcome to my channel! Our family truly became complete in 2020 when our son Elliot arrived in this world and I later fell pregnant with baby #2 just months later. Here I share all about my journey into motherhood and life in between.
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