Archive for the 'Diabetes' Category

3-year-old girl dies suddenly from undiagnosed diabetes. Now, her family hopes to help others

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Ailish’s symptoms only appeared to mimic a stomach virus, however, doctors were able to diagnose her as diabetic. But just 36 hours later, she was gone.

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Children's Diabetes Story: Meet Heath, Age 5

Five year old Heath Scott is living with Type 1 Diabetes.

His parents, Brad and Jodie, share their experiences of raising a brave child with this hidden disease, the challenges that they face, and their hopes for the future. They’d love for Heath to have the chance at a normal childhood.

Telethon Kids Institute is a WA-based children’s research Institute with a worldwide impact on some of the most serious diseases and conditions of childhood. Non-profit and independent, kids are at the heart of everything we do.

The Children’s Diabetes Centre, based at the Telethon Kids Institute, is the only paediatric research centre of its kind in Australia and aims to improve the lives of children with Type 1 Diabetes. In WA, about 120 children are diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes every year, and the number is increasing.

Blood Sugar Levels Chart | Includes fasting and after eating

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Blood sugar levels chart for normal, prediabetic and type 2 diabetic. It includes fasting and after eating. A1C levels are also included in the chart. Normal adult blood sugar levels are discussed.
Understand the numbers when testing your blood sugar.
Using a blood glucose meter can help manage your diabetes or prediabetes if you understand the numbers.
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Always speak with your healthcare provider with any concerns about your blood sugar.
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All information in this video is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.
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Diabetes is diagnosed with a finger prick glucose test of over 11mmol/L (198dl/mg) or a HbA1c of over 48mmol/mol.

This is regardless of the type of diabetes and therefore diagnosis replies upon the symptom history and further blood tests.

One question many patients have is what is a normal blood sugar level and what should they be aiming for.

In this video we explain what blood sugar level you should be aiming for in the context of different forms of diabetes.

FDA approves new option for Type 2 diabetes

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FDA approves new option for Type 2 diabetes

The Food and Drug Administration has approved a novel dual-targeted treatment for Type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 | 3 P's | Nursing Mnemonic

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symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1

3 P’s

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Treatments for Type 1 Diabetes | Nucleus Health

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It is important to keep your type 1 diabetes under control. Some treatment options your doctor may prescribe to help you manage it, are explained.


Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2, Animation.

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All images/videos by Alila Medical Media are for information purposes ONLY and are NOT intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Diabetes refers to a group of conditions characterized by a high level of blood glucose, commonly referred to as blood sugar. Too much sugar in the blood can cause serious, sometimes life-threatening health problems.
There are two types of chronic diabetic conditions: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Pregnant women may acquire a transient form of the disease called “gestational diabetes” which usually resolves after the birth of baby. Pre-diabetes is when the blood sugar level is at the borderline: higher than normal, but lower than in diabetics. Prediabetes may or may not progress to diabetes.
During food digestion, carbohydrates – or carb – break down into glucose which is carried by the bloodstream to various organs of the body. Here, it is either consumed as an energy source – in muscles for example – or is stored for later use in the liver. Insulin is a hormone produced by beta cells of the pancreas and is necessary for glucose intake by target cells. In other words, when insulin is deficient, muscle or liver cells are unable to use or store glucose, and as a result, glucose accumulates in the blood.
In healthy people, beta cells of the pancreas produce insulin; insulin binds to its receptor on target cells and induces glucose intake.
In type 1 diabetes, beta cells of the pancreas are destroyed by the immune system by mistake. The reason why this happens is unclear, but genetic factors are believed to play a major role. Insulin production is reduced; less insulin binds to its receptor on target cells; less glucose is taken into the cells, more glucose stays in the blood. Type 1 is characterized by early onset, symptoms commonly start suddenly and before the age of 20. Type 1 diabetes is normally managed with insulin injection. Type 1 diabetics are therefore “insulin dependent”.
In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas produces enough insulin but something goes wrong either with receptor binding or insulin signaling inside the target cells. The cells are not responsive to insulin and therefore cannot import glucose; glucose stays in the blood. In other words, type 2 diabetics are “insulin resistant”. Here again, genetic factors predispose susceptibility to the disease, but it is believed that lifestyle plays a very important role in type 2. Typically, obesity, inactive lifestyle, and unhealthy diet are associated with higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 is characterized by adult onset; symptoms usually appear gradually and start after the age of 30. Type 2 diabetes accounts for about 80 to 90% of all diabetics. Management focuses on weight loss and includes a low-carb diet.

Understanding Diabetes Insipidus

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This video contains a detailed and simplified explanation about diabetes insipidus. We discuss the differences between cranial and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, the signs and symptoms, testing for diabetes insipidus including an explanation of urine and blood osmolality and the water deprivation test (also known as the desmopressin stimulation test) and how we manage diabetes insipidus.

More written notes and diagrams about diabetes insipidus are available on the website at

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Diabetes Insipidus is a condition in which there is absolute or relative deficiency of ADH. Clinical manifestations include polyuria ( increased urine output of more than 3L/day in adults ) and signs of dehydration if severe. These symptoms can overlap with numerous other conditions as well so clinical judgement as well as other lab tests can be used to confirm the diagnosis.


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About Niyati B., Biology tutor on Chegg Tutors:

Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India, Class of 2013
Medicine major

Subjects tutored: SAT (reading), English as a Second Language, Basic Math, PSAT (reading), PSAT (math), Marathi, Medicine, SAT (math), Biology, Health and Medicine, Hindi, Medical Assistant, and TOEFL

I have taught concepts of basic math like solving linear equations to my young cousins in California ( grade 6 ) as well as basic human biology like circulatory system. I used to teach English to the children of the house hold helpers back in India and i find that this is what has helped me develop patience and not just that but also helped me brush up on my own knowledge of some things that I never thought I’d use after middle school. Einstein said if you can’t explain it simply then you haven’t understood it well enough and I completely agree. My goal: explain it simply, but also in a way that is hard to forget.

Well in a nutshell I’m a knowledge hungry newbie doctor ( graduated from a medical school in India ) , an avid reader , and I’m also a huge trivia nerd. I have a flair for all things literary ( debate , crosswords , word play you name it ) I absolutely love to read ( mostly fiction , some of my favorite authors like Khaled Hosseini are doctors by profession ) and I have written about 30 poems over the past 10 years. I enjoy listening to podcasts, my favorite one is called Good Job Brain which is a quiz and trivia podcast and I also have a particular fondness for learning about Greek and Roman mythology, and love spoken word poetry. I love to listen to music and sing ( albeit not too well ) and I collect fridge magnets from the places I’ve been. I have spent part of my childhood in the US, and then the rest in India and my life has been transcontinental for the most part which has given me the benefit of some amazing experiences. I also have an artsy side – sketching and painting are some ways I like to unwind, and listening to TED talks is always an option.

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Hi9 | Can Diabetes cause Joint Problems ? | Dr K.J.Reddy | Sr Orthopedic Surgeon

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Can Diabetes cause Joint Problems from Hi9 by Dr K.J.Reddy | Sr Orthopedic Surgeon,Apollo hospitals

Diabetes and joint pain are not directly related to arthritis but in the feet of diabetic patients it causes neuropatheic joints where it looses sensations ,it is very important to control diabetes ,Diabetes and joint pain are considered to be independent conditions. Joint pain may be a response to an illness, injury, or arthritis. … Diabetes is caused by the body not using the hormone insulin correctly, or insufficient production of it, which affects blood sugar levels..

#hi9webtv #diabetes #hi9health #hi9 #arthritis #orthopaedic #orthopaedicsurgeon #jointpains #kneepain #insulin #joint inflammation #diabetic neuropathy #diabetic attack #type 2 diabetes #rheumatoid arthritis #sign of diabetes #Diabetes Joint Pain #Diabetes or Arthritis
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Part 1 of two animations about type 2 diabetes. Please note: this video has been updated to improve images and sound. Original video views: 7,968

This animation describes the process of inflammation in type 2 diabetes via a unique structure called the inflammasome. Over time, this process damages the pancreas, eventually leading to decreased insulin secretion and inability to control blood glucose levels. Chronic inflammatory ‘lifestyle diseases’ such as T2D are rapidly increasing in the western world and will pose a huge health burden in future.

Maja Divjak, 2014
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Inpatient Management of Diabetes and Hyperglycemia

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A Division of Endocrinology Grand Round presented by Guillermo E. Umpierrez, MD, Professor of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Director, Diabetes & Endocrinology Section, Grady Health System
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Diabetes mellitus (type 1, type 2) & diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

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What is diabetes mellitus? Diabetes mellitus is when there’s too much glucose, a type of sugar, in the blood. Diabetes mellitus can be split into type 1, type 2, as well as a couple other subtypes, including gestational diabetes and drug-induced diabetes.

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